Teamwork made the Dream Work
Perseverance: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or...

The Beginning of the End
It's the first week of the new semester, and we have a short amount of time before the exhibit opens! While most of this week's focus has...

Woah, We're (over) Halfway There
We have 112 days until our exhibit opens. It feels as if it is both a lifetime and a only a day away. A lot is left to do, but this...

The End is Near
Hello Everyone! Our semester is in the last few weeks and the pressure is really on and getting back into the groove of things after...

The Ides of November
Today marks the end of week 13 of classes, and lands us right before Thanksgiving Break. (Which is a cause for thanksgiving in its own...

Everything Has a Place
We are starting week 12! During the past week, we have continued work on the exhibit and receive feedback on some of our assignments...

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
The past week has been all about design briefs. The design brief is an end product of the planning phase of any exhibit. It consists of...

Asking the Question of History
This is the first of what will be many posts documenting the progress on our exhibit. We are the 2016-17 Historical Administration class...