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Make or Break

In every play I have ever worked on, everything always builds towards tech week. The week when everything you have prepared is finally put together, rehearsed relentlessly, and tirelessly perfected. Inevitably, this leads to opening night, where the performance you have prepared for so long can finally be shared with the world.

However, there is also a week before tech week.

This is the week when you are figuring out last minute details that will help the final week go smoothly. Actors are still slipping on lines, sets are still waiting on the final touches and fresh coats of paint, and the lighting and sound are still being fiddled with. The director gets nervous. The light at the end of the tunnel, visible in tech week, may still seem miles away.

For our exhibit, we are in that week before. Spring Break, which many of us looked forward to, was equally a source of concern for everything that needed to be completed afterwards. Sitting in our meeting yesterday, the to-do list was justifiably long for this week, as the final preparations before installation week often seem too numerous to count. There are still items to build, supplies to be purchased, and items to be picked up from the printers. It is a stressful week, filled with more jobs than hours in the day.

Yet, a glimmer of light is showing. Tomorrow marks the opening of our pop-up museum, entitled "Museums, Mementos, and Memory", in the quad of Booth Library ( . This exhibit has been carefully put together by Jessica Craig, (with help from the rest of the HA students), and serves as a companion event to our main exhibit. The souvenirs shown will be from students, professors, and people at Eastern, and represent memories from travels to museums, historic sites, and to historic events. Personal memories play a major part of our own exhibit, and it is fun to see part of your own history being viewed by others.

The rest of the week will be filled with building more cases, displays, and mounts, while also making sure all of the materials are ready. Sleepless nights, frustrations, and stress are ahead for us, but Opening Night is coming soon.

T-Minus 9 days...

P.S.: Our social media rocks, and it will give a great look into install week. Follow us using this nifty guide below:

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