Woah, We're (over) Halfway There
We have 112 days until our exhibit opens. It feels as if it is both a lifetime and a only a day away. A lot is left to do, but this semester we have completed so much more than I have ever thought possible. It all started with a title and a basic idea. Our class has taken this little information to go on and created a full fledged exhibit. We have completed design briefs, worked with other institutions on loaned items, created elevation drawings, and we are now working on our final assignment of the semester: label copy.
Before we get to the issue of label copy, I'd like to first discuss what we all learned from the elevation drawings and exhibit narrative. This was a time consuming and team bonding assignment. To complete this assignment it took the entire class. Each committee had to first do a rough design sketch making sure that each item was in the case. Then the design committee had to take these drawing make sure they were to scale, and create elevation drawings in illustrator (with the help of Jessica's tech support).More importantly we finally got to work on our physical vision for the exhibit. Below is an idea of what our "A Question of History" case will look like.

Finally, each committee completed their narrative. We presented our work to Mr. Riccio in class on Wednesday. With only a few comments and minor changes our assignment was done!
Now we are all hard at work on label copy. Each committee is still working with the cases and interactive we have had since the beginning. The final edit before we turn in the first draft will be completed by the curators: Jessica, Hailey, and Sara.
This semester has been full of hard work but we have come out the other side with an abundance of knowledge and accomplishment. In the next semester we will see our hard work and planning come to fruition, and I for one cannot wait. Tune in the second week of January to continue to follow our progress.
With the end of our blog for this year we hope you all have a great holiday!