Call For Submissions- Souvenirs needed for Pop-Up Museum

Souvenirs are mementos of an experience. Examining souvenirs can bring back vivid memories of locations and events, both local and exotic. Hosted by the Historical Administration Class of 2016-2017, Museums, Mementos, and Memory: A Pop-Up Museum, opens for one day only on March 22nd from 10:00am-1:00pm on the Library Quad. This pop-up museum explores the relationship between souvenirs, memory, and place.
Pop-up museums are temporary exhibits that are created by the participants. The Historical Administration Class of 2016-2017 is accepting submissions of souvenirs from historical sites and museums from students, faculty, and community members for this exhibit. Items will be displayed alongside quotes from participants and passersby during the length of the pop-up museum. To loan items for inclusion in the exhibit, please contact Jessica Craig at Feel free to drop by during the exhibit to share your thoughts about the importance of public history, souvenirs, and museums.
Museums, Mementos, and Memory is a part of the programming for A Question of History: Public History in Illinois, which opens in Booth Library on March 30th.