After months of planning with little going awry, our exhibit was pitched a curveball. Unfortunately, a loan we had been planning on, one we had in a prominent place in our exhibit, fell through due to unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances. While this was not what the news we wanted this close to the exhibit opening I was very proud of how quickly our class came together and worked to solve the problem. On Monday at noon we had an emergency meeting and while not mandatory everyone was there in addition to our exhibit advisor. We have now worked out the issue and are currently working on reworking the case!
Now on to the good news!
On Tuesday we had our fabrication orientation! Now that our construction drawings are completed AND updated we are ready to get to get our materials and get to work. The sculpture studio is amazing and has all the tools we need to fabricate a great exhibit. Starting next week we will be using our exhibits class time to begin construction.

In a final piece of good news, our exhibit booklet has been printed for proofing. Tomorrow we will work on proofing and any edits so they can go off to the printers!
Only 42 days until the exhibit opens...