What Goes Where Again?
It's already going on week 10! Time has gone so fast but we are continuing to work toward the end result of our exhibit. This week consisted of:
Continuing work on scale model and labels
Placing objects in the correct cases
Discussion on atmosphere, personal space, and routes of the exhibit
Labels were the the first priority. We created a spreadsheet that gives background information and thematic elements that will be displayed in each of our exhibit cases.

Next, the shell of the scale model has been completed and the reference desk,which has been very popular with some classmates considering the desk is now the home of a fireman holding a cat (Thank you, Jessica).
Determining what goes where was the main focus of our meeting this week. Some of the objects and focus of our cases have evolved and changed within the past few weeks so it was time to update what objects where going into what cases and why. The class had printed pictures of the cases we will be using at Booth Library. We laid them out assigned them a theme (What, Why, When, Where, Who) and placed strips of paper with the object name and location on them next to the appropriate case. After getting the objects nailed down we selected a partnering institution to be spotlighted in each case related to objects they contain.

Last but not least, in exhibits class we discussed ideas about the route guests will be taking through the exhibit. We decided on a radial route, which starts at the central case giving background to the exhibit and then branches off to different cases to broaden the theme. This allows the guest to freely view the exhibit but also brings them back to the central idea or case.
Shout out to Brock and Sara on their successful oral history at the Illinois State Museum and 2015 Alumni, Emily Spuhler for getting a curator position at the Johnson County Museum of History in Franklin, IN. Get ready for another week of more exciting exhibit planning from the HA Class of 2016-2017!